
32 Ways to Eliminate Blackheads Naturally and Permanently

As we know that blackheads are derived from the production of excess oil on the face without being matched by painstaking care. This appears in unison with the emergence of a sense of a little inferior to a friend or lover, because blackheads generally attack the young skin.

Just like a pimple, this blackhead sometimes appear anywhere, both on the face to the extent that it spreads to the back. Most people think that blackheads appear in the nose, but because these blackheads are small and almost invisible, it will appear on the skin is the fastest, like a nose.

The conclusion does not mean that other skin is safe from this blackhead attack. Precisely sometimes because of lack of attention, on the skin of others there are more. Therefore, when treating it, scrape all your skin with a drug you trust.

Well, the author will present the natural herbs that you can use as an alternative medicine to eliminate blackheads completely without side effects and dependence as there are from the drug market.

32 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami dan Permanen
How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally

Below I collect very many natural remedies in answer to how to remove blackheads, I quote from various sites that can be justified its validity, Here is the description: Congratulations to listen and practice!

1. Hot steam

Hot steam can help open the pores of the face. When it is open, the blackheads and dirt in it will be very easy to lose. In addition to eliminating blackheads, steam is also proven effective to overcome the signs of premature aging.
  • Bring clean water sufficiently, try to remove the foam.
  • Pour boiling water into a basin or other container.
  • Approach face right over hot water until exposed to steam.
  • As you move closer, gently rub the face area especially the nose.
  • Rinse with cold water until completely clean.
2. Belimbing Wuluh

Carambola wuluh is a fruit that comes in the type of star fruit with a high level of sour taste. Substances that make star fruit can remove blackheads, because it contains anti-inflammatory is also no less with curcumin in temulawak. Star fruit wuluh contains flavonoids which is also one kind of natural anti-inflammatory.

  • Blend belimbing wuluh with pounded or grated.
  • Mix and knead collision belimbing wuluh with salt water and apply on blackheads.
  • Perform this ritual at least three times a day to get maximum results.
A refreshing taste sensation and a little celekit-celikit will make you addicted to treat blackheads using star fruit.

3. Betel Leaf

Betel leaf is a foliage that has been known to have antiseptic function. That's why betel leaf is also very useful to remove blackheads.


  • Simply by pounding this betel leaf until smooth.
  • Paste on the surface of the skin exposed to blackheads.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
  • It would be better if you do this every morning and every will sleep.
After your blackheads disappear, continue to do this ritual to keep your skin awake and prevent blackheads coming back. Good luck!

4. Guava

Guava is one of the tropical plants that can easily be encountered in areas throughout Indonesia. Guava contains vitamins and minerals. One of the benefits of guava is the content of vitamins and minerals that are good for skin health. By diligently consume guava, the skin can look fresher, younger and healthier. But not only guava fruit is beneficial, but guava leaves also have many benefits for both health. One of them to remove stubborn blackheads and acne.

Guava has red and yellow meat on the skin when it is cooked. Guava fruit contains many antioxidants that can treat the skin for prevention of premature aging. So also with guava leaves, very good for skin care that mengkedo.


  •  The young guava leaf blender uses a little water. 
  •  After that, use this guava leaf scrub to remove blackheads in the nose or in other parts of your face.

Do not forget to do this treatment regularly and regularly to get a face free of stubborn blackheads. By doing this natural treatment routinely, blackheads will disappear from the nose and other areas of your face. You can also consume guava fruit to get more healthy and beautiful skin results.

5. Ice cubes

Why is ice cube anyway? Do you want to make ice? Hmm, make no mistake ice cubes are not only useful for making fresh ice alone, it has a cool nature that can summarize the pores, so as to minimize the exit of excess oil in the pores of the face.

  • Prepare honey, steeping green tea, and lemon juice to taste. 
  • Mix the ingredients together, then add a little water.
  • Put into the refrigerator to form ice cubes.
  • Take and rub evenly into the blackhead area. If necessary, do until the ice cube runs out.
32 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami dan Permanen

6. Leaves Binahong
Binahong leaves are the leaves of the binahong plant. For those of you who are not familiar with plants, you can see the picture above.
  • Take a few binahong leaves and crush them with a spoon until the mucus comes out on the leaves.
  • Apply binahong leaf mucus to the area of ​​the nose affected by blackheads.
  • Wait until dry, after dry rinse with clean water.
  • My advice, my friend, do it when you go to sleep or wake up. This method has been based on personal experience and my mother also proved it, it is even more surprising that facial skin becomes cleaner and smoother.

7. Morning Dew
Dew is water vapor that becomes air in the morning which we can use to jump from the leaves around the garden. I often find it in the grass in the form of a vortex of air above the leaves.

  • You can remove moisture from the leaves by pulling out the strands and applying water to the blackheads.
  • Do it regularly in a few days so that the results are visible.
  • Radish: Radish is one type of carrot, and is quite effective for removing blackheads, of course by making radishes as a face mask, where this treatment can be done 3 to 4 times a week then how to see the reaction.

8. Toothpaste
Everyone must have toothpaste at home. But who would have thought, it turns out that toothpaste is very effective for dealing with blackheads. Removing blackheads with toothpaste may sound strange and doesn't work, but to find out its extraordinary properties, just try it yourself at home.

  • Prepare a taste of toothpaste, try herbs and mint.
  • Rinse warm face with warm open pores then apply toothpaste evenly to the blackheads.
  • Let it sit until the toothpaste is hard and dry.
  • After that, rinse using cold water until clean.
32 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami dan Permanen

    9. Lemon
    Lemon is still in the same family as citrus fruit, but it has a tart taste than oranges in general. However, lemon actually contains vitamin C and acids that can help remove blackheads. This fruit is perfect for getting rid of stubborn blackheads.

    • Prepare 1 fresh lemon only, cut into 2 parts.
    • Rinse your face with warm water so that the pores open and relax.
    • Rub the lemon slices all over the face area, especially the ones with the comedy.
    • Let stand for 5-10 minutes, even though it feels a little sore.
    • After soaking, rinse with cold water until clean.
    10. Potato
    Use potatoes as a mask on the face. The trick is to grate the potato or slice it thinly, then apply it all over the face. Do it twice a day for best results.

    11.Aloe vera
    Everyone knows the amazing benefits of aloe vera for hair. Starting from fertilizing to black hair naturally. But more than that, aloe vera also has powerful properties to get rid of blackheads on the face. Either black or white blackheads, all of them can be eradicated with this one natural ingredient.

    • Provide enough fresh aloe vera, try to just pick it.
    • Cut into several pieces, then take the gel in it.
    • Clean your face with a special soap so that dirt doesn't block it.
    • After that, apply aloe vera evenly, then let it dry.
    • Rinse using warm water until clean and see the results.
    12. Honey
    The health benefits of honey have long been known for its properties. Since thousands of years ago, health experts have used honey to help heal wounds because honey can act as an antiseptic and prevent bacteria from growing in wounds.

    Honey can also have an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces redness of the skin and keeps the skin from drying out, unlike some synthetic chemical comedo medicines which actually cause the skin to lose moisture and even peel off.

    If you are interested in trying the benefits of a honey mask, you should use pure honey which is packaged in a glass bottle. Honey that has been processed will actually irritate your skin and make your blackheads worse.

    Honey will work effectively when the skin pores are not clogged with bacteria, so you need to clean your face with warm water and mild soap to open the pores of facial skin and remove dirt first.
    • Avoid wiping your face with a scrub or towel to prevent skin irritation.
    • Apply pure honey on the face before the face dries.
    • While your hands and face are still wet, gently massage your face with honey and let it sit for a while for 2-3 minutes.
    • Make sure that you are not allergic to bees or honey before trying this remedy.
    The benefits of honey as an antibiotic can kill the bacteria that cause blackheads and reduce inflammation. Honey is the best choice for sensitive skin, because it does not cause irritation. It is enough to use a honey mask every night before going to bed. The next day, rinse your face thoroughly. Do it every day. Besides being able to remove blackheads, honey is also good for keeping facial skin moist.

    13. Papaya
    I used to discuss the benefits of papaya. In addition to health, it turns out that this fiber-rich fruit is also good for treating skin, including removing blackheads on the nose, forehead and other facial areas. Even with regular use, papaya is high in vitamin E which can maintain freshness and natural skin moisture.


    • Puree ripe papaya pulp for about 1 cup.
    • Mix with 1 teaspoon of coffee until it forms a paste mixture.
    • Apply evenly to all parts of the face, especially the blackheads.
    • Don't forget to massage briefly so that the blackheads are lifted.
    • Let stand until it feels stiff, then rinse with warm water.
    14. Olive oil
    Make a paste from a mixture of salt and olive oil, then apply it to the areas of the face with acne and blackheads. Let stand for 60 minutes, then rinse with water until clean. To reduce swelling and redness in pimples, apply ice to it. One of the benefits of olive oil is to reduce pores and reduce acne scars and blackheads effectively if used regularly.

    15.For housewives, of course wheat is not a foreign ingredient every time they cook. Yup, this traditional ingredient is not only useful for cooking but also can help overcome stubborn blackheads on the face.
    Apart from blackheads, it turns out that wheat can also whiten the skin naturally because it contains quite high vitamin B1.


    • Prepare the best quality wheat in moderation.
    • Mix with warm water to form a paste-like dough.
    • Apply to the clean face area.
    • Let stand for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse off warm water until clean.
    16. Banana mask
    This fruit is also effective in getting rid of blackheads, you know. The trick is to crush the fruit then apply it to the face by means of massage. Leave it for a moment to soak into the skin then rinse.

    32 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Secara Alami dan Permanen

    17. Egg whites
    Removing blackheads with an egg white mask is very effective. As we all know, eggs are one of the best sources of protein, now this protein content is nutritious for blackheads. Interestingly, egg white masks are also useful for natural skin tightening.

    • Beat the egg whites only as needed, it's better to use free-range chicken or duck eggs to make it healthier.
    • After foaming, mix in a little lime juice so that the fish doesn't sting.
    • Use a brush to apply to all parts of the face. Right on the blackheads, give a gentle massage for 10 seconds to lift it.
    • After feeling a little stiff on the face, rinse the mask with warm water. So that the fishy smell disappears, you can also clean it with facial foam.
    18. Peppermint
    Peppermint is an herb that can help to get rid of blackheads fast. The menthol effect in peppermint is soothing, helping to reduce the irritation and redness caused by blackheads. Peppermint has antiviral and antibacterial properties as well as helping to eliminate the bacteria that cause blackheads. How to get rid of blackheads using peppermint is quite easy. Namely by crushing some peppermint leaves then attaching them to the blackheads. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Then, rinse it off using cold water.

    19. Soybeans
    Almost the same as egg whites, soybeans also contain high protein. The difference is, the protein in soybeans is vegetable, while the egg white is animal.
    Apart from containing protein, soybeans are also enriched with dissolved fiber which can help remove dirt in pores, black spots, bacteria, and even stubborn blackheads.


    • Grind the soybeans as needed. To make it easier to use a blender.
    • Next, rub the peanut paste into the blackhead area.
    • Let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse off lukewarm water.
    Cucumbers are rich in potassium and vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E have a cool and soothing effect on the skin. Making cucumber as a face mask will help clean bacteria and dirt from your pores, which of course can remove blackheads and make your face look fresher.

    23. Salt
    Salt is one of the mandatory ingredients when cooking. I am sure, all
    people of course already know salt. Yup, this seafood ingredient turns out to have high iodine content which can help remove blackheads. However, so that the skin does not experience irritation, you should stop using it after the blackheads are gone.

    • Provide just enough salt, then grind by mashing.
    • Add a little lemon juice until the salt dissolves.
    • Gently rub it on the blackhead area for 10 seconds.
    • Let stand for about 30 minutes, then rinse off warm water.
    24. Garlic
    The benefits of garlic include being antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant which can help in treating blackheads quickly. The sulfur content in garlic can accelerate the healing of blackheads and pimples. The method is very easy. Namely by cutting the garlic clove in half, then rub it on the blackheads and leave it for five minutes. After that, rinse your face with warm water. Do it regularly 2-3 times a day until the blackheads disappear. If you have sensitive skin, try crushing the garlic then mixing it with water.

    25. Orange peel
    Who says orange peels are useless? From now on you can use orange peel to get rid of blackheads naturally. Here are two methods you can try with orange peels, check it out in full below.

    • First, you can immediately apply the inside of the orange peel to the blackhead area. Guaranteed a few moments later the blackheads will be lifted.
    • The second way, you can make a scrub. The trick is to puree the orange peel then mix it with granulated sugar. Then use it to rub the blackheads.
    • I (personally) prefer to use a scrub, because it is more effective.
    26. Nutmeg
    Using nutmeg to treat skin may still sound foreign to most of the population in Indonesia. But in other Asian countries, nutmeg has been widely used as a skin softening mask.

    Apart from smoothing the skin, a mixture of nutmeg and milk is also proven to be good enough to get rid of stubborn blackheads on the face. Therefore, do not hesitate to use this traditional material.
    • Combine the nutmeg powder and milk to form a paste mixture.
    • Then clean the face area with warm water first. This aims to open the pores so that the blackheads are more easily removed.
    • Now apply the mixture evenly, especially on the blackheads, give it a gentle massage for 10 seconds.
    • In order to work optimally, let stand for about 20 minutes. Then rinse using cold water until clean.
    27. Palm sugar
    Brown sugar is the easiest natural ingredient to find. Brown sugar can remove dead skin cells and dirt from the pores that cause blackheads. How to make a brown sugar scrub is fairly easy. It is enough to mix 3 teaspoons of brown sugar in 1 teaspoon of honey, then stir evenly. Apply the scrub that has been made all over the face in circular motions. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

    28. Baking soda
    Maybe you are more familiar if baking soda is used to make cakes or bread. But who would have thought, its high abrasive properties can help overcome stubborn blackheads on the face.
    In order not to experience irritation and inflammation, you should stop using it if the blackheads are gone. Because excessive use of baking soda will be very dangerous.

    • Dissolve baking soda as needed with warm water to form a paste.
    • Rub all parts of the blackheads evenly.
    • Let stand until dry and stiff, then rinse warm water until clean.
    • See the results, now your blackheads are gone.
    29. Turmeric
    Turmeric is a spice plant native to Southeast Asia. Besides being used as a cooking spice, turmeric is also used as traditional medicine. One of the benefits of turmeric for blackheads is obtained from the curcumin content in turmeric which functions as a good anti-inflammatory to heal and remove blackhead marks. How to apply it is quite easy. Namely by grate turmeric, then use grated turmeric as a mask on the blackheads. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water until clean. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week until the blackheads don't appear again.

    Not only nutmeg powder, but you can also use cinnamon powder to remove blackheads in a traditional way. So that the results are even more solid, don't forget to mix the cinnamon powder with lemon and turmeric.

    • Prepare cinnamon powder only as needed.
    • Mix with lemon juice and turmeric powder, try to form a paste.
    • Apply evenly throughout the blackheads, then massage briefly for 10 seconds.
    • Let stand for about 20 minutes, after stiff rinse warm water.
    31. Basil leave
    Not many people know that this distinctive scented leaf that is often used as fresh vegetables can be used as a way to get rid of blackheads naturally. The content of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and antiseptic in basil functions to kill the bacteria that cause blackheads and heal blackheads quickly.


    Mash the basil leaves to taste. Mix with hot water, then stir evenly until the juice in the basil leaves comes out. Let it cool down. Then, strain the cold basil water into a container or bottle, then store it in the refrigerator. Use this concoction as a mask before going to bed. Apply on the face using a cotton ball. The next morning, rinse your face using warm water. Use it every day, then the blackheads will disappear and are reluctant to appear again.

    32. Gelatin and Milk
    Gelatin and milk can be an effective scrub to remove blackheads. How come? Gelatin has a sticky nature that can lift stubborn blackheads in the deepest pores. Even with regular use, your face will naturally appear brighter.


    Mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin powder (without flavor) with 1.5 powder milk spoons into an anti-heat bowl.
    Put into the microwave for about 10 seconds ..
    Apply the mixture before using a brush evenly throughout the blackheads.
    Let stand for 10-20 minutes to absorb. Then lift the gelatin bit by bit earlier. Look, now the blackheads have all lifted.
    My view on how to remove blackheads with 32 natural ingredients is very perfect for the size of the completeness of the types of drugs. We're sorry we did not display all images, for your smoothness and loading speed. Hopefully it becomes a valuable benefit for all readers. Finally Greetings healthy hopefully heal!
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