
How to Cure Uric Acid with Patent and Generic Drugs

One that is listed as an acute disease in the medical world is gout. For those who are already considered severe, the patient should not do self-medication. Once exposed to a gout attack, patients should immediately see a doctor. If a person has had a gout attack, it is best if he or she has a supply of the medicine in a first aid kit, at least for first aid.
Cara Menyembuhkan Asam Urat dengan Obat Paten dan Generik

Gout medicine should not be confused with other types of rheumatic drugs. So, don't be mistaken. Some gout medications work by helping the body reduce uric acid levels in the blood. If it is drunk by other types of rheumatism sufferers, it is certainly less efficient and in vain. Based on its function and purpose, gout drugs can be divided into two, namely first aid drugs and drugs for prevention.

I. First aid 
  • Anti-pain (analgesic).

To deal with inflamed pain, patients need painkillers that are strong enough. Pain relievers like paracetamol are usually not strong enough to fight pain due to gout. Since their action only relieves pain and inflammation in the clotting vessels, not the acid ducts, the drugs of this group have nothing to do with uric acid crystals.

And because of their pain relieving properties, these medications are also commonly prescribed for other types of rheumatism. Nearly all strong painkillers are prescription drugs, not over-the-counter drugs. Stronger anti-pain drugs that can still be purchased without a prescription, such as Ibuprofen. Most of the others include prescription drugs, for example diclofenac, piroxicam, meloxicam, ketoprofen, tinoridine.

These drugs are considered 'heavyweight' pain relievers and can irritate the stomach. Therefore, these drugs should be taken with food and use for ulcer sufferers must be very careful.

In addition, this class of drugs can also increase the chance of heart and blood vessel problems. Therefore, do not use the drugs above unless directed by a doctor. Once the pain has disappeared, the use of pain relievers should be stopped to avoid bad effects.

To reduce the irritating effect of the stomach, these medicinal tablets are usually coated with a thin membrane that keeps the medicine from passing through the stomach intact and only breaks when in the intestine. As ordinary consumers, we may find it difficult to tell the difference between a tablet that is filmed and one that is not. Simply put, we must swallow the above medicines in their entirety, not to split them or chew them.

drug Examples of trademarks
Diclofenac Cataflam®, Voltaren®, Abdiflam®, Aclonac®, Alflam®, Anuva®, Araclof®, Atranac®, Catanac®, Deflamat®, Dicloflam®, Diflam®, Divoltar®, Eflagen®, Elithris 50®, Exaflam®, Fenavel ®, Flamar®, Flamic®, Flamigra®, Flamsy®, Flazen 50®, Galtaren®, Gratheos®, Inflam®, Kadiflam®, Kaditic®, Kaflam®, Kamaflam®, Klotaren®, Laflanac®, Linac SR®, Matsunaflam ®, Merflam®, Mirax®, Nacoflar®, Nadifen®, Neurofenac®, Nichoflam®, Nilaren®, Proklaf®, Provoltar®, Raost®, Reclofen®, Renadinac®, Renvol®, Scanaflam®, Tirmaclo®, Troflam®, Valto®, Volmatik®, Voltadex®, Voren®, Xepathritis®, X-Flam®, Yariflam®, Zegren®
Piroxicam Feldene®, Campain®, Felcam®, Feldco®, Grazeo®, Infeld®, Kifadene®, Lanareuma®, Licofel®, Pirocam®, Pirofel®, Rexicam®, Rexil®, Roxidene®, Scandene®, Tropidene®, Xicalom®
Meloxicam Movi-Cox®, Arimed®, Artrilox®, Atrocox®, Cameloc®, Denilox®, Flamoxi®, Flasicox®, Futamel®, Hexcam®, Loxil®, Loximei®, Loxinic®, Mecox®, Meflam®, Melogra®, Meloxin®, Mevilox®, Mexpharm®, Mobiflex®, Movix®, Moxam®, Moxic®, Nulox®, Ostelox®, Paxicam®, Relox®, Remacam®, Remelox®, Rhemacox®, Velcox®, X-Cam®
Ketoprofen Profenid®, Altofen®, Anrema®, Fetik®, Gatofen®, Hextrofen®, Kaltrofen®, Ketros®, Lantiflam®, Molaflam®, Nasaflam®, Nazovel®, Noflam®, Ovurila E®, Profecom®, Profika®, Pronalges ®, Protofen®, Remapro®, Rhetoflam®, Rofiden®, Suprafenid®
Tinoridin Nonflamin®
  • Corticosteroids.
To get rid of inflammation, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids like prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc. This drug has many side effects. Therefore, make sure you consume it according to your doctor's instructions.

  • Choline.

This drug is not a pain reliever but an anti-inflammatory. It is classified as "very strong" medicine because it has many bad effects such as vomiting and diarrhea. The safety limit is also very narrow, even a slight overdose can have fatal effects. Therefore, use it only according to the doctor's instructions. An example of the trademark is Recolfar®.

  • Non-Drug First Aid

While waiting for the drugs above to work, we can reduce inflammation by using ice cubes. To do this, put ice cubes in plastic (or use an ice bag if you have one). Cover the ice pack with a towel and apply it to the inflamed area. Hold for about a few dozen minutes and then remove. Let the inflamed part return to normal temperature.

After the temperature returns to normal, we can stick the towel-lined ice bag again. The important thing, if you want to repeat it again, make sure the temperature of the inflamed part has returned to normal temperature. Don't apply the ice pack directly to your skin without a layer of the towel! Because temperatures that are too cold can damage diseased tissue. 

II. Medicines for prevention

This group of drugs works to reduce uric acid levels, does not relieve pain, so they are not suitable for first aid. And indeed this group of drugs should not be taken during a gout attack, but taken when the attack has subsided.

However, if the patient has previously taken this drug regularly, then he does not need to stop it when he has a gout attack.

The purpose of taking this medication is not to relieve inflammation but to prevent further attacks. All drugs in this group are classified as hard drugs. In this group, drugs are further divided into two subgroups based on how they work.

  • Drugs that decrease uric acid production. An example of allopurinol. This is the most common uric acid-lowering drug in Indonesia. Usually gout patients will come home from doctors and pharmacies carrying this drug. Again, this drug should not be taken at the time of a gout attack. The reason is, when we first drink allopurinol, uric acid levels may actually increase briefly before then drop.
So, this drug should only be taken after the attacks have subsided. This is in accordance with its function as a preventive medicine, not for a first aid kit. In addition, taking allopurinol at the time of the attack might actually make uric acid crystals migrate to other tissues.

Drug Examples of trademarks

Zyloric®, Algut®, Alluric®, Alodan®, Alofar®, Benoxuric®, Decasurik®, Hycemia®, Isoric®, Kemorinol®, Licoric®, Linogra®, Mediuric®, Nilapur®, Omeric®, Ponuric®, Pritanol® , Puricemia®, Purinic, Reucid®, Rinolic®, Selespurin®, Sinoric®, Tylonic®, Urica®, Uricnol®, Uroquad®, Xanturic®
  • Probenecid is an example of a drug that helps excrete uric acid in the urine. Compared to allopurinol, this drug is used less frequently. Example of a trademark: Probenid®. Like allopurinol, this drug is only to be taken when the pain attack has subsided. If it is drunk during a gout attack, it is feared that it will cause uric acid crystals to spread to other body tissues.
Cara Menyembuhkan Asam Urat dengan Obat Paten dan Generik

Difference between generic & patent drugs

It is not uncommon for cases among sufferers who come to the hospital for treatment or who seek treatment at the pharmacy as if they are reluctant to use generic drugs on the grounds that "money knows everything" is a wrong mindset.

At first glance it sounds logical, even though the bad effects certainly bring the impression that 'generic drugs are cheap drugs or small folk medicines, etc.'. Such an estimate is very far from the evidence in the field. It is for this reason that I am also interested in explaining it in a little detail.
Patent Medicine

To make it more striking, we first discuss patent drugs, which are often the prima donna on the market. In short, a patent drug is a new drug invented by experts in the pharmaceutical industry through research methods and has passed the clinical trial phase based on guidelines from the WHO (United Nations Health Center), so that those who test it give an award in the form of a patent. Based on Law No. 14 of 2001 on Patents, the period of patent rights is valid for 20 years (article 8 paragraph 1) and can also be 10 years (article 9).

But we need to remember, what we have to underline is that patents are not permanent (only 20 years). After the patent period expires, if many people need it, while the availability is limited from one company. So, it is permissible for other industries to produce it. Be a generic drug.

Generic Medicine

Furthermore, you need to know that generic drugs are the same drug names as the nutritious active substances they contain, according to the official name of the International Non-Proprietary Names which has been set in the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia.

As has been explained earlier, this type of drug is made after the expiration of a patent and is named according to the name of the active ingredient contained. If the name does not match the active ingredient, but with other brands that are individual due to market needs, it is called a branded generic drug.

  • There is nothing to do with patent efficacy.
  • Healing is not measured by how much we spend.
  • The difference between patented and generic drugs is only limited to price.
  • The efficacy of generic and patent drugs is the same.
  • Please make further conclusions yourself.

Hopefully this article with Patent and Generic Medicines is useful!
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